Feature Index
Feature | Details | Section |
Universal Encoder Support | The following Encoder types are supported by the optional Universal Encoder Module (OPT-3-ENCU-IN): Incremental Encoders
Digital Absolute Encoders
SSI (Pending) Biss (Pending) | 10 |
Universal Motor Support |
| 15.8.1 |
Built-in Communications Interfaces |
| 17 |
Safe Torque Off Input | Allows operation without a motor contactor for maintenance free and silent operation | 16 |
Built-in Dynamic Braking | Dynamic braking terminals Automatically Enabled. | 9.3.10 |
Brake Resistor thermal overload monitoring facility. Brake Resistor thermistor feedback. | 9.3.12 | |
Stationary Autotune measurements | Motor autotune and Encoder offset measurements (Gearless PM Motors) can be performed without removing the elevator ropes. | 15.8.2 |
Rollback compensation | Car floor position holding when brake is released using DC Injection Braking | |
Car floor position holding when brake is released using position lock control | | |
Motor Contactor Control | The drive has the can be used to control the motor contactor operation | 15.5.8 |
Contactor monitoring and delay measurement | The drive can monitor the motor contactor status using one of the digital inputs, furthermore the drive can also measure the opening (P0-09) and closing times (P0-10) so that the contactor can be optimally delayed preventing nuisance drive trips, and contactor/motor wear. | 0 |
Contactor Free operation | Compliance to EN 81-20 in accordance with EN 61800-5-2 fulfilling SIL 3 requirements as a defined method for stopping by means of a static element. | - |
Motor Brake Control | By default, Relay 2 is used to control the motor brake. | 15.9 |
Brake Release Monitoring and delay measurement | In accordance with EN81-20 (Protection against unintended car movement). The drive can also measure the Brake release (P0-11) and apply times (P0-12) so that the brake delays can be set optimally for best comfort. | 15.9.2 |
Full travel curve Jerk Adjustment | Each speed transition can be optimally adjusted for best comfort | 15.16 |
Short Floor Operation | 15.17.1 | |
Rescue Mode operation |
| 0 |
Elevator programmable user units | The drive can be programmed either in rotational (rpm/Hz) or Linear units. | 11.8 |